Home & Commercial Kitchen Equipment - Vulcan Steam Kettle, 4 qt. Pyrex Bowls, et

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 17 Times


Aloha! ✨🌺🫧 Some totally useful and well-maintained stuff available from my old kitchen. 4-Quart Pyrex Mixing Bowls ($5 each) - 180 pcs - minimum 10 pcs per order - retail at $10 + shipping - https://www.doitbest.com/shop/housewares/kitchen-utensils-and-food-prep/mixing-bowls/mixing-bowl/pyrex-prepware-4-qt-glass-mixing-bowl?SKU=652296&gsf=t&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5qWX8Le8_wIVDPPICh1L-AIFEAQYASABEgJ6efD_BwE Vulcan 40 Gallon Electric Steam Jacketed Kettle ($250) - never used (kept as backup) - acquired from Phizer labs so it was well-maintained and is in pristine shape - faucet hardware included - great for big batches of sauces, soups, beverage decoctions, stocks, etc. - retails new at $27K, used for $7-10K - https://www.katom.com/207-K40EL2083.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkKvm77S8_wIVi7fICh0XEAb1EAQYAyABEgLM-fD_BwE Pickup in Navy Yard. Delivery services available for additional cost. Mahalo! Rich πŸ€™πŸ½