15.5 gallon Stainless Steel Beer Kegs

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 27 Times


I have a bunch of kegs that I picked up from a local winery that ceased operations. All have functioning ball valves. 15.5 gallon keg - $sold ea (8 left)(solid 304 stainless steel)(standard straight sides - cylindrical)(aka half barrel)(your standard keg) 15.5 gallon keg - $60 ea (8 left)(solid 304 stainless steel)(standard straight sides - cylindrical)(aka half barrel)(your standard keg)(No spears) 5 gallon keg - $50 ea (2 left)(solid 304 stainless steel)(standard straight sides - cylindrical)(aka 1/6 barrel)(w/ spears i.e. ball valve) Triclover still beer brewing equipment homebrew craft home brew Kettle Hot Liquor Tank wine making moonshine whiskey wiskey mash tun fermenter fermentation mead copper still distillation mash tun Lauter distilling Sanke sankey corny Cornelius CrossFit cross fit workout work out exercise lifting weight shell shells