ART: Retro Seventies (70s) Studio Oil Painting "Mystic Galleons" Burr

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 34 Times


Retro seventies (1970s) / vintage studio oil on board painting (drip painting) of ships at sea titled "Mystic Galleons". Signed Lee Burr (which is Lee Reynolds Burr of Vanguard Studios). Lee Burr founded Vanguard Studios in Beverly Hills, California in the late 1960s to make high quality art and home décor available to everyday people. He would paint an original piece and his studio of painters would hand paint copies of the original for sale. Lee Burr was also know for painting the mural for US Olympics in 1984. Framed to 45 x 35 inches. $195