Trombone, F. Schmidt student trombone

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 14 Times


This F. Schmidt FTB 501-N trombone is identical to the Yamaha YSL 354 trombone. It is in excellent used condition. There are no cosmetic issues to speak of, but the main thing is the action of the slide is very smooth. Overall cosmetic condition is 9.8 out of 10. This is the perfect beginning band instrument, which new are over $1200 and if you lease at $30-40 a month through the school, you have nothing. Taken care of, this instrument would easily last through high school and marching season. Includes a Vincent Bach 6-1/2 AL mouthpiece with case, slide grease, and a warm up attachment to place the mouthpiece in to buzz without playing the instrument. Case has a shoulder strap. Also, would be perfect for a stay at home practice instrument, so one doesn't have to cart the instrument home everyday. School is rapidly approaching. Price $299